Mallomonas akrokomos

General information

Description: Ruttner in Pascher (1913): Chrysomonadinae. In: Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, Vol. 2. G. Fischer, Jena. 7–95 pp.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequent.

List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Rind-Ozero, lake, Karelia 62.251283, 33.246810 BALONOV (1979)
Schönwalder Allee, pond 52.584017, 13.164439 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Tresdorfer See 8.0 490 54.233029, 10.467088 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Onezhskoye ozero 61.773123, 35.320129 BJELJAKOVA et al. (2006)
Garrensee 6.3 73 53.687813, 10.850193 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
river Havel at Schildhorn 52.496369, 13.191776 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Lake Trummen 56.861197, 14.831758 CRONBERG (1980)
Pertozero, Karelia 64.458587, 34.001770 BALONOV (1979)
Waldsee, Zehlendorf 52.441519, 13.235679 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Edebergsee 7.6 405 54.152030, 10.452411 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)