Mallomonas pumilio var. dispersa

General information

Description: Němcová, Y., Kreidlová, J., Pusztai, M. & Neustupa, J. (2013): Mallomonas pumilio 
group (Chrysophyceae/Stramenopiles) – a revision based on the scale/scale-case morphology and analysis of scale shape. - Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 142: 27-49.

Autecology: unknown.

Distribution: Europe, North and Central America.

Image gallery

pool near Liberec (Czech Republic)
Author: ynemcova
pool near Liberec (Czech Republic)
Author: ynemcova
pool near Liberec (Czech Republic)
Author: ynemcova
pool near Liberec (Czech Republic)
Author: ynemcova


List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Ruisseau du Chajoux 2014 6.9 35 16.0 48.039849, 6.929699 CERTNEROVA (unpublished)
Ängersfjärden 2012 5.8 89 15.5 63.593464, 19.836539 NEMCOVA et al. some data (2016)
Gieringer Weiher 2012 7.6 102 11.9 47.470700, 12.362600 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)
Pekelsky Pond, type loc. 2011 6.0 203 50.739167, 15.110667 NEMCOVA et al. (2013)
and an enclosed bay of Étang de Cazaux 6.8 236 44.440928, -1.188319 NEMCOVA et al. (2013)
Ugglehult ponds near Växjö 6.0 5.0 57.132513, 14.601517 ASMUND et al. (1982)
a small unnamed pool 5.9 230 50.743417, 15.105222 NEMCOVA et al. (2013)
Podboranky Pond 4.6 182 7.8 50.043047, 13.441094 NEMCOVA et al. (2013)

Distribution map