Synura praefracta

General information

Description: Škaloud, P., Škaloudová, M., Jadrná, I., Bestová, H., Pusztai, M., Kapustin, D. & Siver, P.A. (2020): Comparing morphological and molecular estimates of species diversity in the freshwater genus Synura (Stramenopiles): a model for understanding diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms. Journal of Phycology 56: 574-591.

Autecology: pH indifferent.

Distribution: Northern temperate.

Image gallery

First pond, Newfoundland, Canada
Author: admin
First pond, Newfoundland, Canada
Author: admin
First pond, Newfoundland, Canada
Author: admin
First pond, Newfoundland, Canada
Author: admin

List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Killarney, Upper Lake 2003 5.1 35 18.2 51.974228, -9.604004 REZACOVA & SKALOUD (2005)
small temporary forst pond in Visegrád mountains 1999 6.2 170 12.7 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
small temporary forst pond in Visegrád mountains 1999 6.0 90 11.4 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
Pisztrángos, permanent forest pond between Mátraháza and Parádohuta 1999 7.5 130 9.4 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
Province of Gelderland, Erpewaai II 1979 6.7 668 6.5 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS (1981)
Erpewaai II 1979 7.0 212 18.8 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1981)
Province of Gelderland, Erpewaai IV 1979 7.6 276 6.3 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS (1981)
Erpewaai III 1979 7.0 177 9.8 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1981)
Province of Limburg, Geuldert 1979 6.5 147 7.5 51.737651, 5.929827 ROIJACKERS (1981)
Erpewaai III 1979 6.6 163 18.8 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1981)


List of records