Spiniferomonas bourrellyi

General information

Description: Takahashi, E. (1973): Studies on genera Mallomonas and Synura, and other plankton in freshwater with electron microscope VII. New genus Spiniferomonas of the Synuraceae (Chrysophyceae). - Bot. Mag. Tokyo 86: 75-88.

Autecology: acidophilic to pH indifferent, temperature tolerant. 

Distribution: cosmopolitan, widely distributed.

List of records

Localitysort descending Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Tresdorfer See 8.0 490 54.233029, 10.467088 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Tystrup Sø 1979 8.2 55.369356, 11.570606 KRISTIANSEN (1988)
undefined localities (approx. coord.) 61.543641, 25.422363 HÄLLFORS & HÄLLFORS (1988)
Vash.-Kharbey, small pond 2003 24 14.9 67.952311, 62.001283 SIVER et al. (2005)
Vash.-Kharbey, small pond 2003 23 10.7 67.896867, 61.745544 SIVER et al. (2005)
Vashutkini, Vaniukti Lake 2003 56 12.0 67.960497, 61.519275 SIVER et al. (2005)
Walchsee 2012 8.3 343 9.5 47.651000, 12.325200 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)