Spiniferomonas bourrellyi

General information

Description: Takahashi, E. (1973): Studies on genera Mallomonas and Synura, and other plankton in freshwater with electron microscope VII. New genus Spiniferomonas of the Synuraceae (Chrysophyceae). - Bot. Mag. Tokyo 86: 75-88.

Autecology: acidophilic to pH indifferent, temperature tolerant. 

Distribution: cosmopolitan, widely distributed.

List of records

Localitysort ascending Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Matejovsky pond 2006 6.2 106 21.0 49.538912, 15.888805 PICHRTOVA et al. (2007)
Malvaniemi, lake Puulavesi 1988 6.8 35 12.0 61.729005, 26.817598 IKÄVALKO (1994)
Lustsee 1986 7.7 493 12.1 54.219231, 9.934895 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Lizhmozero, Karelia 62.623036, 34.068489 BALONOV (1979)
Lillesjön - oligotrophic clear water lake 1979 5.6 56.947221, 14.706345 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
Lebrader Teich 8.2 325 54.220536, 10.428421 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Långträsk, Åland 1994 7.7 224 11.0 60.169183, 19.788237 HANSEN & KRISTIANSEN (1997)
Langen - oligotrophic humic lake 1979 5.9 6.4 57.150396, 14.657078 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
Lammen - oligotrophic humic lake 1979 5.6 6.2 57.164546, 14.602346 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
lake Þingvallavatn and adjacent ponds 1977 64.197113, -21.137123 KRISTIANSEN (1995)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)