Mallomonas lychenensis

General information

Description: Conrad, W. (1938): Notes protistologiques 1. - Mallomonas lychenensis, n. sp. - Bull. Mus. Roy. d´Hist. Nat. Belg. 14(20): 1-4.

Autecology: acidophilic, mesotrophic to eutrophic.

Distribution: widely distributed.

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Husavatnet, Modalen, Norway
Author: Magda
Husavatnet, Modalen, Norway
Author: admin
Husavatnet, Modalen, Norway
Author: admin
Husavatnet, Modalen, Norway
Author: admin


List of records

Locality Sampling date pHsort ascending Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
pond at Gyöngyössolymos 1999 8.1 240 6.7 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
small pond in Tiszavalk 1999 8.0 2 540 8.3 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
lake Pincelaposi 1999 8.0 400 11.5 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
swamp in Vindornyaszölös 1999 7.7 1 325 12.1 46.905832, 17.167211 BARRETO (2005)
Broekse Wielen IV., pond near the river Meuse 1979 7.1 130 51.728889, 5.763788 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1986)
small temporary forst pond in Visegrád mountains 1999 6.8 240 10.5 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
Broekse Wielen I., pond near the river Meuse 1979 6.6 160 51.728889, 5.763788 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1986)
Broekse Wielen II., pond near the river Meuse 1979 6.6 160 51.728889, 5.763788 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1986)
small bog pond in the Visegrád mountains 1999 6.6 150 9.6 47.713521, 19.040333 BARRETO (2001)
Fekete tó, permanent forest pond 1999 6.6 130 9.3 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)


Distribution map