Synura petersenii

General information

Description: Korshikov A.A. 1929: Studies on the Chrysomonads. I. - Arch. Protistenk. 67:253-290.

Emend. Škaloud & Kynčlová 2012: 319. Epitype: Synura petersenii strain S 7.7, frozen material deposited at the Culture Collection of Algae of Charles University in Prague. Live culture: CAUP B 703.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic, in cold waters.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequently found.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C)sort descending Coordinates References
alluvial pool near Studénka, Slaňáky Lake 7.2 478 16.0 0.000000, 0.000000 NEMCOVA et al. (2003)
Prokopova pool 2002 6.2 240 16.0 48.833894, 14.927651 REZACOVA (2005)
Lake Ladoga, Volchov Bay, station 1 1998 7.5 200 16.2 60.177038, 32.321777 VOLOSHKO & GAVRILOVA (2001)
T2 pool 2002 6.8 204 16.3 48.835123, 14.927174 REZACOVA (2005)
Madriz puddle 1994 6.8 340 16.3 40.179431, -8.688576 SANTOS et al. (1996)
T2 pool 2002 6.4 199 16.4 48.835123, 14.927174 REZACOVA (2005)
Vashutkini, small pond 2003 58 16.7 67.973767, 61.550367 SIVER et al. (2005)
Vashutkini, small pond 2003 30 17.0 67.969361, 61.537808 SIVER et al. (2005)
Lake Rahumeri 2013 7.5 213 17.0 58.182430, 25.052464 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
Vashutkini, small pond 2003 146 17.3 67.965017, 61.532622 SIVER et al. (2005)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)