Synura petersenii

General information

Description: Korshikov A.A. 1929: Studies on the Chrysomonads. I. - Arch. Protistenk. 67:253-290.

Emend. Škaloud & Kynčlová 2012: 319. Epitype: Synura petersenii strain S 7.7, frozen material deposited at the Culture Collection of Algae of Charles University in Prague. Live culture: CAUP B 703.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic, in cold waters.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequently found.

List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Gaisweiher outflow 1986 6.2 92 9.6 49.742814, 12.335844 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Stechsee 1986 7.7 483 15.9 47.786634, 11.301842 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Moorweiher in Bärnau 1986 7.8 77 9.6 49.810850, 12.433949 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Waschsee 1986 7.7 642 10.0 47.772301, 11.319115 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Gaisweiher 1986 5.4 100 2.0 49.743896, 12.343998 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Chiemsee 1986 8.1 47.881355, 12.455750 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Reschbach Klause 1986 4.2 44 3.3 48.963554, 13.563395 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Garrensee 1986 6.3 69 4.4 53.687762, 10.850022 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Kaltenbach 1986 4.8 3.0 0.000000, 0.000000 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Mathislesweiher 1986 5.2 22 0.5 47.884953, 8.084214 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)