Synura sphagnicola

General information

Description: Korshikov A.A. 1929: Studies on the Chrysomonads. I. - Arch. Protistenk. 67:253-290.

Autecology: acidobiontic (prefers pH < 6), prefers low conductivity, warm water species.

Distribution: cosmopolitan.

List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
nature reserve Swamp 2007 5.5 50.579722, 14.667222 PICHRTOVA (unpublished)
Swamp-Northern portion 2007 4.8 81 4.0 50.580053, 14.667992 NEMCOVA (2010)
Swamp-Southern portion 2007 6.1 83 3.5 50.576233, 14.670681 NEMCOVA (2010)
Brehynsky pond 2007 5.8 152 50.579167, 14.703611 NEMCOVA (2010)
Swamp-Northern portion 2007 3.5 85 3.9 50.580053, 14.667992 NEMCOVA (2010)
Swamp-Northern portion 2007 3.7 94 3.7 50.580053, 14.667992 NEMCOVA (2010)
nature reserve Swamp 2007 3.5 50.580000, 14.669722 PICHRTOVA (unpublished)
Kuzty Lake 2005 6.7 12.0 67.600000, 65.650000 VOLOSHKO (2010)
Sidiyambtosio Lake 2004 7.2 29 8.0 68.116667, 65.500000 VOLOSHKO (2010)
Connemara, unnamed lake 2003 6.6 120 17.4 53.456130, -9.977976 REZACOVA & SKALOUD (2005)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)