Synura bjoerkii

General information

Description: Škaloud, P., Kristiansen, J. & Škaloudová, M. (2013): Developments in the taxonomy of silica-scaled chrysophytes – from morphological and ultrastructural to molecular approaches (review). -  Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 385-402.

Basionym: Cronberg, G. & Kristiansen, J. (1980): Synuraceae and other Chrysophyceae from central Småland , Sweden. - Bot. Notiser 133: 595-618.

Autecology: acidophilic.

Distribution: Northern temperate.

Image gallery

Store Mosse, Sweden
Author: Magda
Store Mosse, Sweden
Author: Magda
Store Mosse, Sweden
Author: Magda
Store Mosse, Sweden
Author: Magda


List of records

Locality Sampling datesort descending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Lammen - oligotrophic humic lake 1979 5.6 6.2 57.164546, 14.602346 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
1987 0.000000, 0.000000 ELORANTA (1989)
Ängersfjärden 2012 5.8 89 15.5 63.593464, 19.836539 NEMCOVA et al. some data (2016)

Distribution map