Synura uvella

General information

Description: Ehrenberg, C.G. (1834). Dritter Beitrag zur Erkenntniss grosser Organisation in der Richtung des kleinsten Raumes. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1833: 145-336, pls I-XIII.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic, tolerant to high conductivity.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequent.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pHsort descending Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
eutrophic bog, "Mestecănişul de la Reci" 1975 5.5 45.822582, 25.926525 PETERFI & MOMEU (1977a)
eutrophic bog, "Mestecănişul de la Reci" 1975 5.5 45.822582, 25.926525 PETERFI & MOMEU (1977a)
Lake Mannikjarv 2013 5.5 74 22.0 58.873418, 26.261605 CERTNEROVA & SKALOUD (2020)
Majdalen - rift valley containing several ponds, Bornholm 1975 5.5 50 10.0 0.000000, 0.000000 KRISTIANSEN (1978)
Vorkuta tundra, pond Vorgashor 2002 5.5 8.0 67.583333, 63.783333 SIVER et al. (2005)
Store Grydesø 1975 5.5 75 12.5 55.083821, 15.096495 KRISTIANSEN (1978)
Brehynsky pond 2007 5.6 189 4.7 50.579167, 14.703611 NEMCOVA (2010)
Bousquet region, Marais du Cla, small pool 2010 5.6 126 23.9 44.515806, -0.607528 NEMCOVA et al. (2012)
Brehynsky pond 2007 5.8 152 50.579167, 14.703611 NEMCOVA (2010)
Madriz marsh 1993 5.9 330 10.0 40.179431, -8.688576 SANTOS et al. (1996)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)