Mallomonas alata

General information

Description: Asmund, B., Cronberg, G. & Dürrschmidt, M. (1982): Revision of the Mallomonas pumilio group (Chrysophyceae). - Nordic Journal of Botany 2: 383-395.

Autecology: mesotrophic to moderately eutrophic.

Distribution: widely distributed.

List of records

Locality Sampling datesort ascending pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Erpewaai I 1979 7.2 263 11.0 51.761054, 5.827293 ROIJACKERS & KESSELS (1981)
lake Pamvotis 1978 39.671785, 20.877056 KRISTIANSEN (1980)
pond F of the Oude Waal, pH neutral to slightly alkaline 1978 51.855847, 5.900259 ROIJACKERS (1986)
Kuhlake, ditch 52.572959, 13.171098 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Nikolassee 52.424198, 13.192077 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Rohrpfuhl 52.597678, 13.161263 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Schmarksee 54.183359, 10.487001 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
flooded meadows near Malmö 7.0 320 3.0 55.564369, 13.072357 ASMUND et al. (1982)
Plusssee inlet, west 6.9 54.182267, 10.440969 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Grosser Binnensee 8.9 6 285 54.325434, 10.622821 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)