Synura echinulata

General information

Description: Korshikov A.A. 1929: Studies on the Chrysomonads. I. - Arch. Protistenk. 67:253-290.

Autecology: acidophilic, prefers cold clear water.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, widely distributed.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm)sort descending Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
12 lakes in Seitseminen National Park 1987 5.3 27 61.930228, 23.412437 ELORANTA (1989)
Kleiner Arbersee 1982 4.8 27 15.0 49.126522, 13.119221 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Grosser Arbersee 1985 5.0 28 17.8 49.098543, 13.153982 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Sidiyambtosio Lake 2004 7.2 29 8.0 68.116667, 65.500000 VOLOSHKO (2010)
Rachelsee 1982 4.7 29 10.5 48.974978, 13.401432 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
9 lakes in Isojärvi National Park 1987 6.1 30 61.701756, 25.003452 ELORANTA (1989)
Malyi Kharbey 2003 30 17.8 67.538831, 62.932589 SIVER et al. (2005)
oligotrophic pool near lake Vassijaure 2008 6.5 31 11.9 68.435283, 18.280000 PICHRTOVA et al. (2011)
Etuniemi - beach beside Lake Liekune 1988 6.9 32 12.7 61.669839, 26.744442 IKÄVALKO (1994)
Čertovo jezero (lake) 1986 4.3 32 6.0 49.164981, 13.197398 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)