Paraphysomonas imperforata

General information

Description: Lucas, I.A.N. (1967): Two marine species of Paraphysomonas. - J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 47: 329-334.

Autecology: acidophilic to pH indifferent, temperature tolerant. 

Distribution: cosmopolitan, widely distributed.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pHsort ascending Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Bergsee 1986 8.1 96 5.0 47.571430, 7.936406 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Kis-Balaton reservoir 1999 8.1 740 12.7 46.628221, 17.151604 BARRETO (2005)
Tresdorfer See 8.0 490 54.233029, 10.467088 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Kis-Jusztus swamp, temporary 1999 8.0 390 9.0 47.575020, 21.022854 BARRETO (2005)
Ølene 1969 8.0 230 11.2 55.100987, 15.014012 KRISTIANSEN (1975)
Schöhsee 8.0 265 54.165273, 10.439622 HICKEL (1978)
Lake Ladoga, Svir Bay, station 17 1998 7.9 134 16.0 60.543775, 32.667847 VOLOSHKO & GAVRILOVA (2001)
Oberer Ausgrabensee 7.9 192 54.177432, 10.446446 HICKEL & MAASS (1989)
Baltic sea ice station 1994 7.8 62.315175, 20.418091 IKÄVALKO & THOMSEN (1996)
Schwarzsee 2012 7.7 247 9.5 47.456155, 12.366958 PICHRTOVÁ et al. (2013)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)