Mallomonas matvienkoae

General information

Autecology: unknown.

Distribution: widely distributed, cosmopolitan.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pH Conductivity (μS/cm)sort descending Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
Kuhlake, ditch 52.572959, 13.171098 GUTOWSKI (1997)
Vorkuta tundra, pond Mulda 2003 6.5 19.0 67.383333, 63.750000 SIVER et al. (2005)
Tystrup Sø 1979 8.2 55.369356, 11.570606 KRISTIANSEN (1988)
Vorkuta tundra, pond Sovetsky 2003 5.5 20.0 67.516667, 64.366667 SIVER et al. (2005)
ponds near Reading 51.455504, -0.990200 HARRIS (1966)
Myllyjärvi 1985 63.763843, 26.988680 HÄLLFORS & HÄLLFORS (1988)
pool at Kårsavagge 2008 5.6 42 11.0 68.338283, 18.650933 PICHRTOVA et al. (2011)
Swamp-Northern portion 2007 4.6 62 7.3 50.580053, 14.667992 NEMCOVA (2010)
Swamp-Southern portion 2007 5.2 63 7.5 50.576233, 14.670681 NEMCOVA (2010)
a pond in a forest on the Suchá Bělá Stream 5.8 64 50.881918, 14.260769 PICHRTOVA & VESELA (2009)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)