Mallomonas akrokomos

General information

Description: Ruttner in Pascher (1913): Chrysomonadinae. In: Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, Vol. 2. G. Fischer, Jena. 7–95 pp.

Autecology: pH indifferent, oligotrophic to eutrophic.

Distribution: cosmopolitan, frequent.

List of records

Locality Sampling date pHsort ascending Conductivity (μS/cm) Temperature (°C) Coordinates References
small pond in mountain grassland, Visegrád mountains 1999 6.0 90 11.4 47.726820, 19.016580 BARRETO (2001)
unnamed small pond 1999 6.0 113 0.000000, 0.000000 NEUSTUPA et al. (2001b)
small temporary forst pond in Visegrád mountains 1999 6.0 90 11.4 0.000000, 0.000000 BARRETO (2005)
Gaisweiher 1986 6.0 81 8.8 49.743050, 12.341101 HARTMANN & STEINBERG (1989)
Fiolen - oligotrophic clear water lake 1979 5.9 5.7 57.084038, 14.526443 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
Madriz marsh 1993 5.9 330 10.0 40.179431, -8.688576 SANTOS et al. (1996)
Fiolen 1985 5.9 70 10.0 57.085531, 14.527159 CRONBERG (1989)
Langen - oligotrophic humic lake 1979 5.9 6.4 57.150396, 14.657078 CRONBERG & KRISTIANSEN (1980)
13 lakes in Salamajärvi National Park 1987 5.9 19 63.290007, 24.693432 ELORANTA (1989)
Ängersfjärden 2012 5.8 89 15.5 63.593464, 19.836539 NEMCOVA et al. some data (2016)


Distribution map

Frequency of occurrence - pH

Frequency of occurrence - conductivity (μS/cm)